Foundations for creating your future

Good enough principle (no one is perfect!)

The statement, “I’m NOT good enough”, has held many people back in life. These words are unhelpful internal dialogue. If they resonate with you, you are not alone!

We are sold to the idea that we are not good enough. So, we decide to try aimlessly to become perfect, which is an endless, tireless pursuit in itself.

Unfortunately, we learn this unhelpful belief as little children. We then move through life creating experiences to match this unhelpful belief.

Once this “I’m not good enough” belief has been formed, we continually look for ways to validate and prove that it is true for ourselves.

Examples of unhelpful beliefs:

  • My parents didn’t stay together” equals “there’s something wrong with me” equals “I’m not good enough.
  • Someone is not interested in me” equals “there’s something wrong with me” equals “I’m not good enough.”
  • I did not get the job I wanted” equals “there’s something wrong with me” equals “I’m not good enough.

This pattern of habitual thinking that “I’m not good enough” can follow us throughout our lifetime, if we allow it to. But there is a choice to consciously change that unhelpful thinking.