How to increase your income with your personality

Learn to develop strategies to achieve our goals

First off, we must understand your WHY for making more money. Money is just a means to an end.

When your WHY is powerful, the likelihood you will accumulate the wealth you desire increases ten-fold.

What makes a WHY powerful?

Your WHY is to do what you love – When whatever you do to make money is something you love doing, then your WHY is Powerful.

Your WHY is to perfect your talents – When your endeavours put into service your unique, innate talents and skills, then your WHY is Powerful.

Your WHY is to provide added value – When the products or services you provide additional value to the lives of others, then your WHY is Powerful.

Your WHY is to help others – When you intend to use the wealth you seek to improve the lives of others, then your WHY is Powerful.

So, what’s your WHY?

What’s your goal?

Once you have your goals firmly determined based on your WHY, develop your strategy and plan to achieve your goals and ultimately fulfil your WHY.

When things get difficult, you will want to quit or give up. That’s where our WHY comes in handy to motivate us to persevere through difficulties and challenges.

Learn to develop a results-orientated mindset

We can be so easily distracted with many “new shiny objects” that comes along.

Determine what to do in the event of distractions or last-minute changes so that you don’t become sidetracked and wasting precious time. We really need to effectively manage our time and increase our productivity.

That’s why it’s so important to create SMART goals first.

By doing so, you can clearly see the little steps that you need to take now and know how success looks like. It will also help you prioritise little tasks that may seem inefficient and unimportant to you.

Do give your to-do list a regular reality check to make sure that you aren’t taking on more than you can handle.

Learn to receive feedback and criticism

We all can easily be blindsided with things that others can see but we can’t.

Feedback and criticism are valuable mechanisms for us to continue learning and developing ourselves into a better and productive person. They are valuable sources of information.

Learn to be accountable for our actions

When things do go wrong, we have to accept the consequences (good or bad). We have to be accountable for our own actions.

More importantly, it’s all about reflecting and learning from our failures and not repeating them again. Failures are learning mechanisms for us to improve ourselves.

Blaming others for our own failures or decisions (or indecisions) will not force us to learn from our decisions. There will always be a price to pay for learning.

Learn to invest in ourselves

Be willing to invest time and money in ourselves so that there will be larger returns in the future especially when we reach our goals. It’s so important to invest in things that will get us to our destination.

As technology advances, we really have no choice but to continuously upgrade or upskill ourselves with new capabilities. We must acquire new knowledge and skills to do things more efficiently and effectively.

In reality, the information that we have acquired will stay with us. When we use that information, it becomes real power for us.

Learn to make conversations

For many of us, socialising and making conversations don’t come naturally or easily. Some people may even avoid group settings for fear of being uncomfortable.

By engaging people in small talk, we can slowly improve our conversational skills and our confidence in group settings. Start by learning to master small talk with a few coworkers to increase our confidence without venturing too far from our comfort zone.

Build up that capability over time.

Learn to step outside our comfort zone

Be open-minded and a little daring.

By experiencing new things, we can allow ourselves to expand our horizons and potentially uncovering new skills and talents that we didn’t know we had.

It also gives us the opportunity to think outside-the-box.

Learn to ask for help and cooperate with other people

Build up our professional networks. This will give us a sizeable support network that we can reach out to when we really need help.

Learn to ask others for their opinions, feedback, or assistance.

Avoid quiet reflection and idea development in the privacy of our own surroundings. Business idea validation requires us to talk to people, asking for opinions and feedback.

When there is no market need for your product or service, you will not be able to earn an income.

Likewise, other people may request our assistance or information from us.

Working collaboratively with others ensures that two heads are better than one. It pulls together resources to complete bigger things that individuals cannot do by themselves. The multiplier effects kick in.

Learn to focus on logic, objectivity, and rationality

When developing additional sources of income streams, we must always acquire the required information, conduct the necessary due diligence, and make a decision.

Emotions, feelings, and personal wishes have no place in a rational and logical due diligence process. Numbers don’t lie.

Proper due diligence can give you the answer you require in order to make a decision, whether good or bad.

Learn to take action by making decisions

Regrets and indecisions are plagues that we must avoid. As the saying goes, time and tide wait for no one.

If only we can make decisions based on hindsight or foresight information, the world will be a better place. But this will never happen.

We are forced to make decisions based on incomplete, imperfect, or inaccurate information. Sometimes decisions need to be made quickly.

Making a decision, whether good or bad and learning from decisions and outcomes will only sharpen our ability to make better decisions in the future.

Your motto should be, just make a decision.

While indecisions are still decisions, procrastination can lead to suboptimal outcomes.

Learn to appreciate the details and circumstances

We can easily gloss over details because we may not like details or facts.

But do read the fine print. Take the time to learn how things interconnect with each other. This will be crucial for navigating today’s disrupted world.

If you skip over little details, they can cause bigger problems down the road. It can take a lot more time to fix.

Learn to appreciate the big picture and all the possibilities

In an interconnected world, we need to learn to step back to see the big picture. Try to join the “dots”.

See which parts inter-link to each other, whether directly or indirectly. Understand the causes and impacts. Extract principles and concepts.

Learn to be open-minded and curious

Being open-minded to new opportunities, ideas, and processes do go a long way. With so much information being generated, it’s virtually impossible to know everything.

The only way to keep up to new ways of doing things is to be curious, flexible, and adaptable.

Have the humility to say, “I don’t have all the answers, please tell me more.” It will go a long way in improving yourself.

As such, do leave room for the unexpected or new opportunities. These may present new outcomes that you may not be aware of.

Learn to care for others

By caring for people, it shows our humanity. It shows that we value God’s creation.

Sometimes, it’s not about money. There will be social causes that we can be attracted to and want to support when we have money and resources to do so.

Life is meaningless if money is the prime motivator of our work and existence.

Learn to be systematic and organised

With constant disruptions and chaos happening all around us, we need to learn to make sense of things and be systematic in our approach and decision-making process. This requires us to be organised in our thinking and in terms of how we do things.

Our strategies and plans will provide boundaries for us to take the required action to achieve our goals and vision. They will give us a structure to be organised and for prioritising things to do.