Having anxiety over the meaning, direction and quality of life? Create an identity for a superhuman performance

Having anxiety over the meaning, direction and quality of life? Create an identity for a superhuman performance

People can have a crisis over the meaning, purpose, direction, or quality of their lives. It usually occurs after years of increasing busyness, stress, or pressure. When a crisis occurs, these people are forced to re-evaluate our lives and take action.

Common terms that describe this life-changing event include quarter-life crisis, half-time crisis, or mid-life crisis.


People who experience a crisis often don’t know themselves very well. They lack the clarity as to who they are; their true purpose and identity.

They also lack perspective, encouragement, and permission to do the things that are close to their hearts.


Fear of failure can hold people back from living a purposeful life that they truly desire.

When people have been successful at something and when they do decide to do something else, it’s hard not to think, “Well, who’s to say that I won’t fall flat on my face if I do this?

Self-doubt comes in.

There could be a fear of what others may say if they do something else that creates meaning and purpose in their lives.

Another typical response is, “Do I have enough financial resources to last another 20 or 30 years?

Get clear on your identity and purpose

People do not plan to fail. They just fail to plan and live a purposeful life.

When people fail to plan, they can experience more anxiety and stress over the meaning, direction, and quality of their life.

They may also experience an identity crisis.

When there is no purposeful plan in place for our lives, there will certainly be no control whatsoever over our destination and identity.

Proper planning helps people avoid potential life crisis and live a purposeful life that they can be proud of.


While they are seemingly corporate words, we will not try to start and run a business without a corporate mission, strategic plan, and performance measures.

It’s very hard to build a purposeful plan for our lives without a clear sense of who we are or what we want to be, and what success will look like.

A plan has a destination. There is a clear end game in sight.

So, what is your destination that will be so meaningful to you?

What do you feel is your purpose?


The last thing you want to do is to jump into solutions too quickly.

When you begin to explore a variety of ways to reconfigure or renew your life, without a clear identity, personal mission, and performance measure, you can run the risk of becoming lost in search of the Holy Grail.

Confusion and anxiety escalate quickly.

A future crisis is brewing quickly.


As a result, people become “sloppy busy”. They are constantly going after “shiny objects” that promise instant fixes or results.

Their calendar seems full.

But they are really not sure if it’s filled with the best productive things because they do not know where they need to head towards.

Getting clear on your personal mission and measures requires a disciplined process. It requires a well-considered strategy.


Perhaps get started by asking yourself the following questions:

(1) What help do I need to get clarity as to my real identity and purpose in life?

(2) What triggers do I see in my life to indicate that I may be at a season of renewal (or potential crisis)?

(3) What will I need to let go of to create the required space for this renewal?

(4) What measures of success can I use to get absolute clarity on your personal mission and destination in life?

(5) How can I bring others around me on this renewal journey?

(6) What will be my long-term priorities and outcomes for my life?


These questions can be asked frequently. This will ensure that we are constantly prepared for a season of renewal.

Unfortunately, this season of renewal can occur many times over during our lifetime. They can occur without warning. It can hit us hard.

Recognise that you need a renewal earlier rather than later

It’s usually very tempting to keep the status quo.

So why rock the boat?

Perhaps it’s working for another five years until you reach a certain level of financial security, or until the last kid has a stable job, or even when they get married.


By doing so, complacency can easily set in. We become too comfortable in where we are. We are just cruising in life.

Unfortunately, when we wait too long to find or renew ourselves, it can set us up for a major life crisis instead. It could be a potential failure. The impact can be severe.

We can have a major melt-down.

It could even cause us to ‘snap’.

While we do not plan to have a major life crisis, it can hit us like a speeding freight train. It could just creep up on us unknowingly.

We could be totally unprepared for it.

It’s your choice to have superhuman performance

Whether or not we need a crisis or renewal in our lives, it’s always good to constantly cultivate a mindset for achieving superhuman performance.

By setting the right foundation for superhuman performance, we know ourselves better.


By constantly maintaining this superhuman performance, we are constantly reminding ourselves of our identity, who we are, why we exist, and what we are passionate about.

Our daily actions will focus on who we are and our true purpose.

Knowing our identity enables us to intentionally avoid the likelihood of an unexpected crisis or sudden shock renewal.

In doing so, we are better equipped to overcome life challenges and crises.


Superhuman performance is not impossible to achieve. Anyone can develop this discipline, at any stage of their life, at any age.

If you’re someone who’s feeling dissatisfied with your current situation, feeling lost and don’t know what to do, and you know that your life can be better, you should read on. There may be huge goals and ambitions that you’ve been procrastinating about or things that are at the back of your mind.


Like all things, there’s a choice that you must intentionally make.

This personal choice is going to determine everything that you are going to do in your life.

Unfortunately, no one else can make you do it.

Create your own future instead

There are two ways you can look at human beings and people’s nature.

More specifically, it’s how you can look at yourself.


You can either choose to believe that people who have achieved amazing goals and who have had great accomplishments in the world were born that way. That life is predetermined by our genetics or upbringing. Or that they were just lucky. Or they had help from others.

Alternatively, you can choose to believe that those people made conscious decisions for themselves at some point in their lives. They want to be a better person or to have superhuman performance. They also want to change their circumstances for a variety of reasons.

To have superhuman performance, they have to purposefully or intentionally change their world. They must overcome all odds and challenges.

Control over their lives is the key to their success.

They want to proactively create a future that they can truly desire. Leaving it to chance is something they want to totally avoid. So too is the hope and pray strategy.


Likewise, you have TWO choices.

You can either believe that people were born lucky. Or that they consciously chose to become whom they wanted to be.


Abraham Lincoln said that the best way to predict the future is to create it.

George Bernard Shaw said that life is NOT about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself into what you want to be.


In essence, you proactively create your own identity and destination.

Knowing who you want to be will then drive the actions required to consciously create that identity you want.


Let me ask you this – Was Michael Jordan born to be Michael Jordan or did he choose to become Michael Jordan?

Was basketball a God-given gift and not something he worked hard for every single day of his life?

Related YouTube Video (powerful)

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Michael Jordan 'Maybe It's My Fault' Commercial


The reality is that he was cut from his high school basketball team. But he went on to become the best athlete of all time through perseverance and hard work. He worked hard every single day of his life to develop the skills that have made him become who he wanted to be.


Maybe you’re just making excuses.

Maybe you don’t want to create your own identity and future.

Maybe you are fearful of failure.

Maybe you lack self-worth.

Whatever it is, the choice is yours to make.


Michael Jordan’s personal perspective is potentially the most important perspective. He made personal conscious decisions to be at that high-performance level.


Oprah was born into poverty in Mississippi to a teenage single mother. She was molested at age 14 and became pregnant. Her child died in infancy.

The level of trauma that Oprah was dealing with and being born to a single mother in poverty was great. She had a baby and that baby died.

Most people experiencing that situation would have traumatic stresses. They may even have PTSD for the rest of their lives.

She was even told that she was too ugly to be a news anchor.


But here’s the kicker.

At some point in her life, she made a huge conscious commitment to create a much bigger future for herself.

It’s a choice that she consciously made to change her situation. It wasn’t luck that got her to where she is now.

It is having the right mindset.

It is hard work.

It was a life-changing decision that she made for herself.


Just look at that picture now.

She’s now a billionaire.

She influences many lives.

You can become what you believe in. If you believe in greatness, you will become great.


It goes back to this fundamental logic.

You choose to believe in yourself.

You choose the destiny you want to create for yourself.

You create the path and habits to achieve this destiny.

You measure your success because what gets measured gets done.