Having anxiety over the meaning, direction and quality of life? Create an identity for a superhuman performance

There are other success stories that you may have come across.

When you look at these people, what common threads do you see?

Do you see people who had no choice?

Or do you see people who had a choice and that they had consciously made a powerful decision for themselves?


My challenge for you is to make a powerful decision that will create your own destiny using superhuman performance.

I want to challenge you to make that life-changing decision so that this year becomes the biggest year of your life.


Here’s the thing.

You must consciously choose to shape yourself and your future.

You must choose what you want to become.

That’s the decision for you to make. Only you can make that decision.


As you read this article, take down notes.

When ideas pop into your head, write them down.

Do spend time reflecting and meditating.


It’s not about where you were born or who you are.

It’s not about what your genetics are.

Your destiny is really in your own hands. No one else has control over your destiny but you.

Take the required action over the next 12 months and upgrade your mindset and circumstances.

When you do not control your circumstance, it will control you.


Here are four practical steps for gaining superhuman performance and to avoid potential crisis ever occurring in your life:

(1) Review where you’re now.

(2) Decide where you want to go.

(3) Building the required habits, routines, and systems that will get you to where you want to go.

(4) Resting and recovering for optimal performance and meditation and reflection.

Where are you now?

In Step 1, you are looking back at our past performance to boost your confidence.

When you start examining yourself and your past, you will begin to see more and more evidence of your environment.

Bear in mind that your environment is the ultimate feedback loop.

All you have to do is to look around to see evidence of where you’re at and what you have done.

It doesn’t matter how young or how old you are.

It matters how much action you’re willing to take to change your life.


Research in psychology shows that confidence is a by-product of something that comes from our past performance and actions.

Successful behaviour creates confidence.

This will enable us to continually upgrade our life and get bigger results.

We need to continuously review our progress and past performance in order to increase our momentum and confidence.


Looking back at the last 90 days, reflect on the things that made you the proudest about. Think about all the things that happen.

Look at your current projects.

Consider your current relationships.

Think about your current collaborations with other people.


What you need to do is to look at everything that’s going on in your life right now. Find that good news story.

There will certainly be good things that will fuel your confidence.


Then only focus on those past positive actions that truly made you the most confident.

You are going to focus on things that are making huge progress in your life that will be giving you the required confidence to get bigger future results.


Unfortunately, many people are living in the past. That’s why they get stuck.

A word of warning: In reviewing your past, don’t get stuck there.

While you should never spend time on the past, you must be willing to throw things off and create a future that is fundamentally bigger and different from what you are currently experiencing.

Deciding where you want to go in the future

Now looking forwards towards the next 90 days, what new things will give you the greatest sense of excitement?

What potential experiences can give you joy and fulfilment?


In Step 2, signal to yourself that you have made a conscious decision to change for the better.

Like Michael Jordan and Oprah, they have decided where they wanted to be in the future.

Remember, you become who you want to become.

Don’t complain about it, if you do become who you want to become.

So, what life-changing decisions are you going to make today in order to become who you want to be in the future?


If you want to earn more income, you need to take the leap of faith. Make that all-important decision to upgrade your subconscious and mindset.

Have a belief that you can make $2,000 per week, instead of just $1,000.

Cultivate the mentality that by investing $1,000 in your education, you can turn it into an additional $10,000 income.

The ripple effects of making such a mind-shift decision can certainly transform your life.

Accomplish your goals

Your high-performance journey always begins with a vision of the ideal state. It’s the future life that you desire. This could be ten, fifteen or twenty years into the future.


This future life may be the realisation of a collage of dreams. These are pictures of your ideal, perfect, or future life.

Each dream is something very personal that you truly desire.

An ideal job, $1 million in your investment accounts, a vacation home, no debt, or just good health.


Your dreams must be what you want personally. It’s not what others want for you.

Putting your ladder on someone else’s wall will eventually lead to unhappiness and a life of drudgery and regret.

As Steve Jobs said in his 2005 Stanford commencement address, “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.


Pursue your own dreams.

Create your own future.


Pretend that it’s ten years into the future. You are now writing in your journal. Describe in detail every amazing thing about this ideal, future life of yours.

Also, describe your journey over the past ten years.

List down exactly what happened over the past ten years.

Taking action and becoming future-oriented

Let us start with five things that you desire to accomplish in the next 90 days.

Build individual goals around each of these five things you want to achieve.

You can even break it down into daily goals.


To realise a given dream, it may require that you accomplish a number of smaller goals.

Think of each goal as a rung on a ladder. Every time you achieve a goal, you do climb that ladder, goal by goal, until you have reached the top.

At that top sits your ideal future life.


If you don’t know how to achieve your goal, you need to truly believe that you can do whatever that is required to get what you want.

The reason why people get stuck in their past is because of our brains. We keep memories, bad ones.

We then learn unhealthy things so that we can avoid taking a risk rather than embracing it.


The foundation of all fear is the uncertainty of outcomes. Our brains do not like it when we’re in situations where the outcomes are unpredictable or uncertain.

All emotional fear comes from uncertainties. Our brain is trying to keep things predictable and certain for us.

This is the foundation of why our lives stay stable.

Unfortunately, this is also why people get stuck especially in their past.


The only way out is to unlearn and relearn.

When a child touches a hot stove, it hurts. It creates a very deep emotional memory that re-orients the child. The experience tells the child that it is okay to touch stuff like that but to avoid the dangers in the future.

That’s the only way to learn and reflect when we step outside our current environment.

By creating or experiencing new memories, they become our new world view. We expand. We learn through stepping out of old situations into new ones.

Uncertainty is the price of freedom. But this could be managed systematically.


If we want a life that is completely certain, then we’re a slave to what we already know and comfortable with.

The only way to be really free is to be willing to step out of the known and into the rounds of uncertainty and unknown.

When we can learn to embrace uncertainties, we are completely free to choose whatever you want to create.

This means choosing something better for us.


In order to learn, grow and become successful, we must be willing to fail when things don’t go the way we wanted. Our willingness to unlearn old stuff and relearn new things will be the key to our future success and high performance.

If you’re not prepared to be wrong (and we are never perfect), you’ll never come up with anything different.

We will never experience new things and success that can cause us to become a better and productive person.


Once you make a concrete decision to better yourself, you can start acting towards that decision. It will change your personality and behaviour.

Positive actions provide useful signals.

Our personalities are continually updating themselves based on our actions, behaviours, decisions, and environment.


When you start changing your behaviour, you’re signalling back to yourself on who you really are.

If you decide to do something new, then the first thing you do is to invest time and money upfront.

When you invest, you become committed to this change. You become totally vested to that decision.

The point of no return is initiated by the financial investment you make.

When people financially invest to achieve their goals, they are investing in their dreams and future.

They are signalling back to themselves very profound behaviours.

In doing so, their confidence then skyrockets.


The only way to get the results and super performance you want is to be so committed to the outcome and less focused on the risks involved.

In doing so, you become less worried about the uncertainties, the challenges, or the emotional upsets because you’re so committed to the outcomes. Seeing the bigger picture certainly helps.

You essentially need to move toward your created future.


The worst thing you could do is to lower your expectations. If you expect lower things, it’s going to happen.

It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy.


So expect the best outcomes for your life. Nothing else!

If you want to live beyond your past, you must be creating a bigger future to step into. A bigger future expands your opportunities.

Your decision to have a bigger future than it is now can become a point of no return. It’s the start of your superhuman performance.

A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to its old position.

So, take massive action now to get massive results for your life.