Foundations for creating your future – Good enough

Foundations for creating your future

Good enough self-reflection exercise

Take time to reflect and consider how this limiting belief “I’m not good enough” impact your life.

Use the following questions to help guide your reflection:

  • In what ways do you recognise this negative limiting belief in your life?
  • How has your life been affected as a result of carrying this negative limiting belief? What results have you got?
  • Consider the events from your past where you learned to believe that “I’m not good enough” – How might you re-interpret these events now?
  • If you chose to accept the fact that who you are as an individual is fundamentally “I’m good enough”, then how might you change or modify your expectations of the future?

As we begin to think differently and take responsibility and ownership for new ideas and approaches to life, we can change the way we think. Change the way we interpret the past by changing and modifying our expectations of the future.

Accept the fact that we are “good enough” – not perfect – but “good enough”. This will set us free forever for the rest of our lives.

We no longer have to strive for perfection. No one can ever be perfect because no one is perfect!

Commit to a journey of self-improvement. You can have the freedom to work on being a better version of yourself than what you were yesterday.