Essentials of goal setting success


You may have shifted your focus to other things over time rather than achieving your goals.

The following tips will help you focus yourself.

  • Be creative and critical in making your goals and plans. When it is clear to you of what and who you want to be someday, it will be easy for you to get there. Once you know the actions that you want to occur, you can plan and think about the process that you are going to follow to get you there.
  • Have one key improvement each time. Avoid making many improvements simultaneously. It will be wise for you to take an action of improving one aspect at any one given time. Concentrate as you take the necessary steps in attaining your goal. You can start another action right after completing the previous one.
  • Take time to reflect. Think about the reasons why you want to achieve your goal. Knowing this will take you one step nearer towards your goal. Make sure that you really know what you want to achieve.
  • Write your goals down. If you have cards or a notebook, list your goals with regard to your daily schedule. They will serve as timely reminders for you and will make you more consistent in achieving your goal. You can also have these reminders on your mobile devices.
  • Have a well-defined schedule for working toward your goal. Detail when and what kind of activities you are going to employ. You can set alarms and reminders on your mobile devices to remind you of the time you must take to achieve your goal.
  • If you have missed or skipped an action for almost two weeks, back to it. If you have been very busy doing other things, don’t lose hope. Continue what you have started in the past. It is never wrong to pursue things as long as it is not too late.
  • Have your way to maintain your motivation. Design a way to keep yourself motivated to achieve your goal. It can be listed in a calendar. Give yourself a reward for every achievement that you made.

What’s the aim?

After determining your goal, you have to identify the aims under it.

If your goal is to be financially free by age 55, then your aim could be to start an online business by age 55.

Once you have an aim, you can now brainstorm the steps you will take in order to arrive at that goal.

There may be some hindrances like insecurities, anxiety and being uncomfortable.

Never let problems rule you.

Whatever aim you have, good planning is the key to your success.

If your aim seems to be very large, then break it down into simpler chunks or steps. Aims and plans can be achieved when they are given more time and broken down into smaller chunks.

A plan to achieve a goal is usually best attained by working from your aim. Always ask yourself, “what should take place before this?”

To summarise:

  • Begin with a clearly defined goal that is measurable and achievable.
  • Identify the associated aim to set your goal.
  • Understand and define the factors that can help you achieve your aim. Factors that can affect your aim includes qualifications, experiences, contacts, skills, reputation, outlook and attitude, space and time, support and encouragement, resources, style, wisdom and maturity, tools, enthusiasm and energy, commitments and decisions, persistence and determination, prioritisation, redirection, and reallocation, disasters and mistakes, and assets and money
  • Break these factors into further chunks and work on them one by one over time.
  • Always remember that success is often based on knowledge about what is necessary prior to set out in achieving it.

Benefits of achieving a goal

There are several benefits that you can obtain in setting and achieving your goal. You should know the way to:

  • Hold your focus and continue striving until you obtain your goal.
  • Go on through difficult times even if it seems that you’re not making progress.
  • Help you decide what is really important.
  • Systemise your activities and concentrate on the knowledge that will propel you onwards your goal.
  • Achieve long-term, short-term or even life goals.
  • Set your priorities efficiently.
  • Avoid setting goals which have great possibilities of letting you down.
  • Avoid setting goals which are too high and unrealistic.
  • Conquer situations where you suffer from lack of motivation.
  • Find sufficient time of relaxation, rest, and enjoyment even without doing much burnout.
  • Ask the right questions which will help you get on the right track.

Final words

You can achieve your goal as long as you have enough knowledge and skills. You can acquire the required motivation, desire, and inspiration to overcome all challenges and shortcomings.

The very first thing you must have is to gain fundamental knowledge and basic ideas about your goal. This does not mean that you have to know everything in order to be capable of achieving a goal. All you need to have is a wide understanding and being flexible as you go along the goal-setting journey.

Fantasising will not help you. It will persuade you to keep on believing that you are achieving something even if you don’t have any achievements at all. Leave those fantasies and start setting, actioning, and planning your goal.

You must start committing and doing something now in order to obtain your goal. Action drives success. Today is the right time. Be true to yourself.

Keep your attention on the process and not to the outcome. Do your best and never let troubles bring you down.

Avoid the ‘what-the-hell’ effect since it will not help you. Establish a strong and well-disciplined daily routine. Do not lose control over things. Be positive at all times. Engage yourself in a better way of living.

If you are on the wrong path, shift your focus to your goal. Eliminate things that will not help you achieve your goal.

Know the scope and limitations of your goal. Concentrate and be open-minded. Be flexible. This will help you get closer to your goal. One goal at a time is best.

Always believe in yourself.

Lastly, be happy. Be satisfied with your achievements.

In the end, you will surely reap the fruits of your hard work and perseverance.

So, what are you waiting for?

Start setting and reaching your goals.