Essentials of goal setting success

Essentials of goal setting success

The Basics

There are already millions of words written about goal setting. But still, most goals are not achieved.

Here are some suggestions to help you accomplish your goal.

1) Your goal should be specific to you

You should have your own goal, not a second hand one. Many people have their goals based on expectations and hopes of their cultural norms, society, parents, and teachers. By doing so, you cannot hold such a goal for long periods of times. Setting a goal truly means that you should have the fulfilment and happiness as you accomplish it.

Practice setting goal that is originally yours; not assumed or inherited. If it is not from you, will it be meaningful to you? Accomplishing them will not give you happiness and fulfilment.

2) Your goal should be inspirational

Your passion must represent the kind of goal you have. It must be something that will drive you to strive harder and be fulfilled. Passion is something that pushes you to do whatever it takes to achieve your goal. It keeps you on track. It strengthens your concentration and motivates you. It inspires you. It leads you to the right way to your desired goal.

3) Your goal should be harmonious

All your goals must be aligned with your perspectives, values, and dreams. They must not contradict one another.

4) Your goal must be realistic

Your goal must be achievable, realistic, and attainable. Do not let anybody set a limit for you.

5) Have an idealistic goal

Your goal must be based on your personal ideas, and who and what you are. They should be created based on the different aspects of you, such as the environmental and physical, relationships and emotional, financial and material, ethical and spiritual, and educational and mental aspects.

When you have an unrealistic goal, there’s a great chance that you will end up getting unsatisfied and bored.

6) Make your goal specific

You must have a specific goal in order for you to be able to work effectively. For example, if you want to be a rich person, specify how you will consider yourself as a rich person. Goals specifically give you clarity.

7) You should be flexible

People miss chances of gaining their goal because of their concentration with their goals which were too restricted to recognise that there were better goals.

8) You must visualise your goal

Visualising your goal will help you. It will serve as your motivation. Imagining them makes them more realistic and believable. It energises and inspires you to strive harder.

9) You should affirm your goal

You must believe in yourself that your goal is attainable and achievable. Let everyone know about it so that they can contribute to your achievement process.

10) You must have a list of goals that you want to achieve.

People who write down their goals have a higher chance and ability to accomplish their goals rather than those who only list goals in their minds. People who don’t have a list are more likely to withdraw from the achievement process.

Start committing

Being a goal-oriented individual will help you achieve the goals you want.

The term ‘goal’ is defined by the state which you want to achieve and the difference you are aiming for.

For example, your goal could be to be financially free by age 55.

Reaching your goal requires you to undergo the process that will give you experiences and learning that will transform you into a better person. The things that you are doing now in order to develop yourself will surely determine who you will be and what kind of life are you going to have in the future.

It’s time for you to start planning and improving your life. Be a goal-oriented person.

Starting your journey

Everyone surely has their own dreams and goals. But it is very evident that most people just keep on dreaming and never try to do something in order to attain those dreams. They just keep on looking back and missing opportunities as they make the same goals all over again year after year. You need to do something different in order to make your dreams come true.

Do not wait for other people to encourage you to achieve your goal.

Have time to think about what your goals are.

You are responsible to shape your future and life. You have to do something now in order to improve your personal situation.

Don’t remain effortless and stagnant.

Visualise the process

Do you know that you have a great power which most people do not imagine?

The super-rich and elite use this. Most of the people who are now in their peak performances use this technique. This very powerful activity is called ‘visualisation’.

The daily routine of visualising helps you achieve your dreams, ambitions, and goals.

Some things are accomplished as you visualise your dreams.

  • Your subconscious is activated. This starts producing creative ideas that can serve as your platform to achieve your goal.
  • Visualisation programs your mind and brain. You will be more ready in recognising and perceiving the resources that you need to be able to achieve your goals.
  • The attraction law is being activated. It brings to your life the circumstances, people, and resources you need to achieve your goals.
  • Your internal motivation is being built, motivating you to strive harder to obtain your goals.

It is advisable that you create images for each goal.

Have a list of goals you want to reach. Write them on index cards and keep them handy. Bring them with you as you travel. Every morning and every night, take time to look at these goals. Then close your eyes and imagine the perfect completion of the goals for a couple of minutes.

You must also consider affirmation as if you have already completed the goal.

Affirmations and visualisation let you have the chance to transform your opinions about yourself, beliefs in life and assumptions. These techniques permit you to bind together the billions of brain cells inside your brain and let them work in cooperation and unity.

Avoid the ‘what-the-hell’ effect

Setting your goal can be a nice way for you to improve your performance. But this is not the case when you fall into a little side-effect.

Let’s take dieting for example. You have set a daily amount of calorie intake. You are planning to keep this for some days. Unexpectedly, your peers brought you to a restaurant one day. That resulted in a situation wherein you are having a meal in a restaurant, rather than a healthy one at home. And before arriving there, your group dropped by to a bar to buy and eat some snacks and drinks. By that time, you are already near your calorie intake limit. Inside the restaurant, you decided to have some bread and drink. You also order a salad. There’s something that attracted you to have a steak. You realised that you have already violated the amount of calorie intake that you are supposed to have. ‘What-the-hell’, you will take the steak.

The ‘what-the-hell’ effect is not just a momentary lapse or a sudden lack of self-control. Instead, it’s related to missing your goal.

Everyone should avoid this ‘what-the-hell’ effect. It’s related to goal setting. It can be about shopping, money, alcohol or other areas where you have set limitations. It is always expected that when you have this limitation, you will do your best to maintain it.

In order to fight back against this effect, it is important that you know the situations when this effect takes place.