It’s worth taking a career risk to fulfill your purpose

Living and working with purpose is a process of self-discovery

Experience is one thing you can’t get for nothing.” (Oscar Wilde)

Until we have experienced or tasted it, we really cannot find what we have not experienced or tasted.

Likewise, we cannot find our true purpose unless we have found or experienced it ourselves.

At times, when we have experienced something, we may just grow to like the things we are doing.

Rather than finding your purpose, perhaps we could effectively develop our purpose instead.

Growing into something we like may also be an outcome of a self-discovery journey we need to take for ourselves to be a better person, living a purposeful life.

The journey of self-discovery

Ask what makes you come alive and go do it … Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” (Howard W. Thurman)

Going on a journey of curiosity, discovery, and life can be very challenging for some people.

Depending on your personality type, some people may find it easier.

Others may find it difficult to self-discover themselves.

Assuming you really want to know your passion and purpose, it is never too late to start this self-discovery journey even if you are in your 50s or 60s.

It all depends on you and your desire and motivation to know who you are and your purpose in life.

Everyone, regardless of their personality, ambitions, and circumstances, should attempt to be on this journey of self-discovery if you are not absolutely clear about your purpose.

Risk-taking is for everyone, really

Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.” (Helen Keller)

The reality is that younger people are more risk-takers than older people as there is less commitment in life and family, experiencing less complacency, and unblemished by the harsh realities of life and relationships.

Regardless of your level of risk appetite or what your personality and circumstances are, this self-discovery journey is for everyone who chooses to accept this assignment.

Do remember that the end result of this journey will open up a deeper revelation of who are you and what your unique life purpose is.

It is a self- fulfilling journey that will be worth your time, effort and commitment, the price you will have to pay to receive something valuable and priceless.

Develop a strategy to fulfil your purpose

Strategy is about making choices, trade-offs; it’s about deliberately choosing to be different.” (Michael Porter)

Life is all about making choices and prioritisation.

Having a well thought out strategy will ensure that you know and fulfil your purpose in life.

Your strategy will also form the basis of the detailed roadmap to reach your goal.

The strategy could include volunteering during your free time, to acquire knowledge in a particular area, or just networking with people.

Other options could include changing jobs, starting a business, saying “no” to more responsibilities, taking a temporary role, taking a pay cut, relocating to another city, switching industries, or working in a small company.

These options can be considered as career risks.

Whatever it is, it is part of your learning and self-discovery journey to know more about you.

Your strategy will get you to your destination.

As such, you are expected to make certain trade-offs are you embark on your journey.

You may spend less time eating out so that you can save money to do more meaningful activities.

Or you may sacrifice your leisurely time to volunteer in an opportunity shop.

And the list goes on.

What’s your reason, not the excuse for not starting?

Ninety-nine percent of the failures come from people who have the habit of making excuses.” (George Washington Carver)

We can give lots of excuses for not wanting to know more about our purpose in life.

For example, we may not want to exercise because it is either cold outside or you have a sore foot and can’t run medically.

The former is an excuse whereas the latter is a reason.

So, what’s your reason not to embark on this journey of self-discovery?

Could it be a fear of failure?

Is there enough information to move forward?

You don’t know where to start?

Whatever it is, reasons are surmountable by adopting the appropriate strategies and mindset, if we really want to and serious about it.

When there is no ambition, desire or commitment to succeed, then there’s nothing much we could do to change the situation.