Are your children capable of earning money without your help?

Are your children capable of earning money without your help? Helping your child choose a career path and college major

It is without a doubt that our children and the future generations after us will be growing up and working in extremely challenging times.

Increasing automation and transformation of jobs, businesses retrenching of workers, ever-changing demographics where baby boomers are holding on to their jobs for much longer, severe housing affordability issues in most parts of the world, very low or no wage growth for employees, the ever-increasing cost of living and education, the declining number of full-time jobs and the rise of contracting work and the gig economy, higher unemployment for overqualified university graduates and young adults, and growing income inequality between the skilled and unskilled workforce are just some of the challenges that our children will have to navigate around, with or without our parental help.

Do you have a good handle over these issues?

Given these challenges, as a responsible parent, I would like to give my children a head start especially in terms of equipping them with the right and timely information to make informed decisions about their elective subjects, jobs, and careers.

In order for me to pass on such vital knowledge to my children and help them navigate these challenges, I must first equip myself with the requisite information, knowledge, and analysis.

For me, I cannot give what I don’t have.

What better place to start than yourself.

I started out with this knowledge acquisition journey just to future-proof myself first and increase my job security by researching and analysing key issues and challenges that are confronting me and my family.

As I researched the facts, I came across a total of 135 challenges workers are or will be facing. Some challenges were mind-blowing for me. I am sure there will be more challenges.

I have also provided practical strategies and action steps for all workers to future-proof themselves and their jobs, increase their income, and protect their wealth.

In reading and equipping yourself, I am suggesting that parents contextualise the information in the eBook to suit your particular situation and unique circumstances. Do find other unique localised information that may also impact on your job security and future of work.

Here’s the thing.

Your children will inevitably ask you what elective subjects to take during high school and what courses they should be enrolling in after high school. Even if they don’t, you should take a keen interest in their decision-making process.

That was what initially triggered my desire and motivation to take the time and effort to learn more about all the challenges workers are facing. These challenges will also be applicable to our children later on.

I am not sure about you, but I must admit that when my oldest child first asked me this question, “How to choose a university course?” or “What course is right for me?”, I really felt inadequate or incompetent to give her any form of parental advice and guidance.

After hours of research and armed with the appropriate information and understanding of the facts and issues related to these 62 challenges, I can now confidently give my children timely and appropriate parental advice and guidance for the electives and educational courses to undertake after high school.

What about you?

Are you confident to do so?

You are most welcome to journey with me as an employee, entrepreneur, investor, and parent by continuously equipping yourself with the latest information and passing it on as valuable legacies to your children so that they are able to be financially independent to support and make money or earn an income for themselves.

To me, that’s the best legacy I can give my children apart from any financial assistance they need.

So, let me ask you this question, Are you confident to provide the appropriate parental guidance to your children when they ask you what they should be doing in the future?

The advice you give your children will set them up for life.

What a precious gift to give them.

Your valuable help in the form of loving parental advice can significantly influence and guide your child’s decisions as to what elective subjects they undertake during high school, what university and which courses they should enrol in, what jobs they should apply for, what business ventures they should embark on, what industries they should work in, which employers they should work for, and what employable and future of work skills, experience and knowledge they need to acquire over the short-term and long-term just to earn sufficient money or income for themselves as an entrepreneur, business owner, investor or employee, just to list a few.

As parents, we can help our children increase their capability, capacity, and confidence to earn money well into the future.

Here’s the thing.

Due to increased population growth and outdated education systems around the world, there are more people going after limited job vacancies. Labour supply growth has been increasing more than two times the available job vacancies.

This imbalance of labour supply and employer demand will become more severe in coming years impacted by the ever-changing demographics and lack of economic growth.

Any incorrect parental advice and guidance may impact our children for life.

For example, the research I came across showed that the ability to start in the right job immediately after graduation can have a difference of $10,000 plus in earning capacity annually.

Starting a career in a declining industry or sector will definitely impact your child’s capacity to earn money in the long run.

These are just two of many reasons why it is absolutely vital for parents to help their teenage children by equipping them with the requisite knowledge to make the appropriate decisions about their future.

The right decisions can make a significant difference in your child’s earning capacity and capability in the long run.

With so many challenges facing workers globally, our children will need our parental help to guide them so that they can earn money for themselves.

We really cannot depend on others to do this task for us.

Do you want to outsource such an important task to someone else?

I sincerely hope not.

The head in the sand or hope and pray strategy will not help your child.

Our children are NOT capable of earning money without our help. There’s too much at stake to not do anything.

People do not plan to fail, they just fail to plan for the future.

Complacency kills jobs.

Anticipating and planning are the keys to financial independence for our children.

Information overload can be a problem for many people.

Knowing what’s important to tell our children has become an art, rather than a science.

It did take me some time to appreciate the issues and joint the dots.

It’s really a complex world we live in. Appreciating all the issues and challenges we face can be daunting.

But it is not impossible to overcome your information challenges and our lack of confidence in providing the right guidance and information to our children.

It will take effort and commitment on your part of piece together the information for yourself so that it can be consumed by your child.

Do start by reading my blog post and download my eBooks and guides.

Let us journey together to help our children earn money.