Challenges for young people

47 Challenges Faced by Young People

The purpose of this Ultimate Report is to provide young people, students, graduates, and their parents with a comprehensive list of challenges that they will face as they think about their future, the appropriate course to enrol in, and the career path to embark upon.

In today’s ever-changing world of work, economics, and technological innovation, young people must learn how to get a head start and find in-demand, future-ready jobs and experience.

Future-proofing is the process of anticipating the future and minimising the effects of shocks and stresses of future events using the right strategies and plans. People don’t plan to fail; they just fail to plan to be future-ready and get a head start. 

Please take advantage of this powerful resource for your personal transformation.

1. Employers cannot find people with the right skills

2. More jobs require post-secondary education

3. The youth labor market has collapsed

4. Growing youth work-experience gap

5. More job seekers going after fewer full-time jobs

6. Millions of young people are out of work

7. Lack of full-time employment prospects for graduates

8. Automation requires fewer employed people

9. New job titles created by new technologies

10. A growing emphasis on soft skills

11. People have diverse career paths

12. Careers advice is lagging behind

13. ‘Dream jobs’ don’t exist

14. It is hard to find passion and interest in life

15. Young people do make bad decisions

16. Degrees lack positive employability outcomes

17. Confidence in educational institutions is wavering

18. Navigating the education system is risky business

19. Outdated educations systems

20. Schools teach people to be poor

21. The college-for-all approach isn’t working

22. Just-in-time learning to get the job done

23. Acquiring outdated skills

24. Mismatch of personal needs and appropriate training

25. More education is not securing better jobs

26. No job application skills to attain full-time work

27. ‘Entry-level’ jobs require years of ‘rich’ experience

28. Degrees don’t guarantee better salaries

29. Degrees lacked value for doing current jobs

30. Underutilisation of graduate skills

31. Degrees can only open that first door

32. Graduates flood the job market at the same time

33. Everyone looks the same on paper

34. Job seekers are forced to take on any job

35. Rushing to acquire that paper qualification

36. Cost of education is increasing and expensive

37. Financial support from parents is decreasing

38. Student loan debts are increasing

39. Student worry over their financial situation

40. The number of advertised job vacancies is declining

41. Employers advertise unpaid ‘volunteer’ jobs

42. Perfectionism is killing our young people

43. Increasing mental health challenges

44. Young people need more skills application, not education

45. Students are being prepared for jobs that no longer exist

46. Graduates unprepared as independent workers

47. Impacted by social media activities