Breaking past emotional roadblocks and developing your true confidence

Not only do we need to give ourselves mental space but we also need physical space.

The environment that you do this in really matters if you truly want to can get yourself into a relaxing environment.

Your morning and evening routines can create very powerful secret spaces. 

Put yourself in fresh environments daily.

Give yourself mental clarity.

Think about your dreams, your visions, and your goals.

Then start to live out from that environment each day.

By consciously shifting your environment daily, we change our energy levels. 

Go outside first thing in the morning. Or go to a new room.

Get some fresh air.

Give yourself some space rather than jumping on your phone first thing in the morning.

Get clarity every single day. 

Life changes pretty fast when we give ourselves clarity.

When we intentionally set things up where we’re actually doing things, we give ourselves lots of recovery time for clarity. 

The best way to predict the future is to intentionally create it.

It’s all about how we mentally creating and reinforcing our future.

Before we can build or create anything, we need imagination. 

When imagination is more powerful than knowledge, my question for you is how imaginative are you about your future? How big are you dreaming? How big do you want it to be?

Stephen Covey tells us to live out of our imagination, not our history. But the sad truth is that most people will become less imaginative when they get older.

That’s why fewer people will actually think about investing in their future as they get older. Ultimately, they will not be thinking about their future.

Very few people actually think about planning for their future. People are just living day-to-day.

What this tells me is that people don’t really believe that they can have a bigger and better life.

They’re not living by designing their life according to their purpose and WHY.

They are simply living other peoples dreams.

If we really look at people’s lives, they are not intentionally planning for their future. They are not engineering their success. There are no plans in place for them to live out their purpose. And there’s also no big WHY.

As a result, people are not stretching themselves. They are not living to their full potential.

People are just living every single day, day-by-day, not living by intentional design. They are just going with the flow, the norm, the mundane.

But if you’re willing to be imaginative about your life like a child, being child-like but not childish, then you can become successful in achieving your goals, your WHY, and your passion.

You can be intentionally in shaping your life and success.

In doing so, you can have amazing relationships.

But if you don’t, it tells me is that you don’t actually have imagination.

When you’re living from your knowledge, you are actually living from your past.

You are only living from what you think is possible rather than imagining what’s possible and living life beyond your current situation. 

We all need a powerful wind in the form of our WHYs, or our vision, to constructively and positively move us forward towards realising our greatness and full potential.

We also need systems and processes to positively move us forward in the right direction.

It’s really all about learning to pursue something that truly matters to you. 

The light at the end of the tunnel is super important when you are pursuing something very rewarding for yourself.

And if you’re not prepared to be wrong, learn from making mistakes, and taking calculated risks, you’ll never be successful. We will constantly live in regret, fear, or bitterness.

In order for you to truly activate your imagination to succeed, in order for you to have a big vision that moves you forward, you must be willing to fail. It’s part of learning. It’s part of knowing yourself, your limitations, and your capabilities.

You have to be willing to lose your reputation. You also need to have the humility to learn and improve yourself.

One of the reasons why people aren’t willing to do something big is because they’re really worried about what other people think. The fear of failure is very real.

Fear can paralyze people. Fear can cause us to fail, rather than succeed.

Do note that it’s irrelevant what others think about you when you are pursuing your dreams. It’s your dream. It’s your life.

Most people are just avoiding negative things to happen. They are trying not to get in trouble. They’re trying not to look stupid.

In order to be successful, we have to take risks. We have to make mistakes. We cannot avoid bad things from happening. 

We learn from mistakes and we move on.

Unfortunately, it’s really easy to hold on to your past and not succeed in life.

Instead, we have to truly give up our past, to deny who and what we were, and to deny where we have been previously in order to become something new to realise our dreams.

We have to constantly give up the things that we’ve done in the past so that we can go to where we want to go in the future.

If we want to focus on our future, we must not focus on our past. We must live from your future state.

Most people are living from their past, things that happen to them 5 or 10 years ago.

Instead, take bold actions to initiate transformations in our lives. Cultivate positive powerful routines every single day.


Intentionally create your transformational environment every morning where you dream and self-evaluate by writing your thoughts in journals. This space is for you to visualise emotionally and intellectually.

Then act daily from that emotional place.

It is essential that we journal about your dreams and goals daily because we are constantly living from our past and not thinking about our future.

We need to be living out our future rather than the past. 

When we start writing about our dreams, we start visualising our future – both mentally and emotionally.

We then start experiencing gratitude and humility for our future dreams. When we start feeling that we would like to be in our future rather than our past, we start acting boldly, prioritising, and taking positive actions.

Journaling crystallizes your dreams. It clarifies your goals.

You write down what you are trying to accomplish for the day.

You evaluate your goals and actions.

You write down your ideas.

You think about ways to get there.

You make bold plans.

The key here is about giving yourself space in operating from your future, not your past.

It’s about building a solid morning routine where you can actually live every day from your ideal future rather than repeating your past. 

In the evening, you’re honest about yourself especially about how your day went, how productive you were. You want to put yourself in a place where your mind can actually think about what you’re going to do tomorrow to achieve your dreams while you’re asleep.

While sleeping, you are training your memory. You want to train your brain to visualize the extreme, to visualize the ultimate goal. 

I do know that for some people, this method will help. For others, there may be other strategies and techniques to suit their preferences for living out their purpose.

Then you need to surround yourself with people that can say to you, “Hey, you have shifted back to your old self. You need to do something to pivot back to your bigger WHY.

You need a supportive community of people who are themselves already making a positive transformation in their lives. That’s why you want to be a part of a support or mastermind group that will help you push your boundaries and deal with any emotional resistance.

Therefore, surround yourselves with people who can help you get closer to your goals.

We really need transformational relationships that will help us move forward rather than stagnate in life. 

People will become part of our accountability system. They will enable us to become more confident than ever before to achieve our dreams. They will keep us honest.

In order to actually have what you desire in the future, you have to invest in yourself. By investing your own money, it gets you into the game. You have a vested interest in your success.

Transform your life by investing in yourself. Investments do shift minds.

For example, if you are a writer, invest in writers’ masterminds and even coaching programs.

When you start investing in systems and processes, it shows commitment on your part. It creates a point of no return for you. There is skin in the game for you.

Turn your life into a game. There are challenges. There are rewards. There are punishments.

It’s sad to see that people are willing to tolerate their life or settle for so much less than what they can have or can potentially do. 

In order to actually have what we want, we really have to begin investing in our success.

Nothing comes without a price!

When you invest in something, you become committed to it.

How much time are you spending on what you love?

When you are starting out, you just need to start investing in small ways. Invest in some low priced courses first. Then make larger incremental investments as you gain more experience and know what you want.

Do a skills gap analysis. Then intentionally invest time and money in courses and experiences that will close any gaps that you currently have.