Eight blueprints for successful and productive living

(4) Who are you doing life with?’ (Your soul mate and people blueprint)

This blueprint is about the person who you want to spend the rest of your life with either as a married couple or a single person with a partner or a close friend.

What kind of person is that? Are they upbeat, enthusiastic, and happy and anxious to succeed in life just like you? What are their personalities?

If you are married, do you have children? How many? What do they look like? What unique talents do they have? Are they happy? Do they play sports? What schools do they attend?

People around you do influence who you are. They also influence who you want to be and shape your identity. Having the right kind of people who will journey with you and support you is vital for your long-term success.

Paint pictures of who exactly these people are, what they look like, what they do for a living, their personalities and strengths, how they will or can influence you p0sitively, etc.

Write a concise blueprint of the people you want to intentionally surround yourself with, the time limit for establishing these relationships, what you intend to give in exchange and the plans for accomplishing it. Limit it to 100 words.

(5) What does your home look like? (Your home and location blueprint)

This blueprint is about how your home looks like and where it is located.

Where do you live? What’s attractive with the location and place you are currently living in? How big is your home?

Describe your neighbourhood, your neighbours, your house, and the surrounding communities.

Write a concise blueprint of how your home will like and where you want to live to achieve your objectives (Blueprint 1), make the required sums of money (Blueprint 2), be healthy (Blueprint 3), and have positive relationships (Blueprint 4), the time limit for it, what you intend to give in exchange and the plans for accomplishing it. Limit it to 100 words.

(6) What kind of extracurricular activities do you do?’ (Your outside-of-work and hobby blueprint)

This blueprint is about the kind of extracurricular activities you are engaging in every day, every weekend, on vacation, etc. when you are not working for your main income.

What hobbies you do have? Do you volunteer in your local community? Do you have a side business or side gig to supplement your income? Do you sit in front of the TV all day?

List down what you do outside-of-work, whether paid or not.

Write a concise blueprint of what activities you want to embark on to supplement the achievement of your objectives (Blueprint 1), the time limit for establishing these activities, what you intend to give in exchange and the plans for accomplishing it. Limit it to 100 words.

(7) What assets you do you have?’ (Your wealth and investments blueprint)

This blueprint is about owing assets and investments that will generate real or potential income for you into the future.

What assets do you own? What car do you drive? How much money do you have in the bank? What investments do you have in your wealth portfolio? What are your liabilities? How much do you owe people?

List down all your current assets and liabilities and investments you have.

Write a concise blueprint of what assets you want to acquire or debts to reduce, the time limit for doing so, what you intend to give in exchange and the plans for accomplishing it. Limit it to 100 words.

(8) What mindsets do you have?’ (Your faith and belief blueprint)

This blueprint is about having growth and money mindsets.

Our mindset leads to the priorities we set — both consciously and unconsciously. Priorities lead to the decisions we make. Decisions we make lead to the actions we take. Actions we take lead to the results we get — or DON’T get.

When we have a growth mindset, we know that our talents and abilities can be enlarged and developed through effort, good teaching, and persistence. It helps us face and cope with challenges and the implementation of the other seven blueprints.

Your money mindset is the feelings and thoughts you subconsciously develop towards money from your life experiences. A negative money mindset can create a barrier between you and financial health. It can keep you in a place of stress and anxiety. It can keep you from achieving your objectives (Blueprint 1) especially your financial goals.

Do you have a growth mindset? Do you have a positive money mindset?

Write a concise blueprint of your growth and money mindsets, the time required to develop these positive mindsets, what you intend to give in exchange and the plans for accomplishing it. Limit it to 100 words.

Awaken your superhuman powers!

These eight blueprints will collectively help you gain clarity in every aspect of your life. They will awaken the incredible powers of your reticular activating system to work hard for you.

Without blueprints for your ideal, future life, you are flying blind and aimlessly drifting through life, unsuccessful and unproductive.