Eight blueprints for successful and productive living

Eight blueprints for successful and productive living

Successful and productive people control and intentionally shape the course of their lives. They create opportunities for themselves through eight blueprints of life.

These written blueprints subconsciously activate their brain’s reticular activating system which goes to work behind the scenes to deliver for them a happy and successful life.

Six steps of transformation

No one may achieve success without first knowing precisely what he wants. Study any person who is known to be a permanent success and you will find that he has a Definite Major Goal; he has a plan for the attainment of this goal; he devotes the major portion of his thoughts and his efforts to the attainment of this purpose.” – Napoleon Hill

So, want to make more money?

Let’s say you want to make more money.

Napoleon Hill talks about six steps to transform your desire into reality:

(1) Fix the exact amount of money you want to make in your mind.

(2) Determine exactly what you intend to give in return for making that amount of money. For example, working hard and being committed.

(3) Establish a fixed date for when the money shall be yours.

(4) Create a plan to make that amount of money and start to act on it immediately regardless of whether you are ready or not.

(5) Write a concise blueprint of the exact amount you want to make, the time limit for it, what you intend to give in exchange and the plans for accomplishing it.

(6) Readout this blueprint twice per day (morning and evening). When you do, you want to see and feel yourself owning the money.

The writing and regular reading of these blueprints will activate your brain’s reticular activating system. It will then go to work seeking out the things you desire, drawing them closer to you and directing your life and things you do.

What are your blueprints for a successful and productive living?

When you focus your time, efforts, and commitment on the eight blueprints that covers every area of your life, you can proactively take positive but targeted actions to achieve your objectives.

(1) What do you want to achieve? (Your goals and impact blueprint)

This blueprint is about your dreams, desires, and goals that will make an impact on other peoples’ lives.

What lasting impact do you want to make or create? What goals do you want to achieve in your life? Which dreams do you want to fulfil?

List down what you have accomplished so far and what you want to accomplish in the future.

Write a concise blueprint of your objectives, the time limit for achieving it, what you intend to give in exchange and the plans for accomplishing it. Limit it to 100 words.

(2) How much money do you want to make?’ (Your work and money blueprint)

This blueprint is about your ability and capability to make money by having a job, a career, or a calling. It’s also about creating a sustainable and secure stream of income.

What is your ideal work? How productive are you at work? What education, skills, and experience do you have now and need to acquire in the future to effectively perform your work?

List down what is your ideal work and determine what you need to do to get to this end state. Identify any skills gaps.

Write a concise blueprint for making money, how much you want to make, the time limit for obtaining this money, what you intend to give in exchange and the plans for accomplishing it. Limit it to 100 words.

(3) What do you do to stay in shape?’ (Your health and fitness blueprint)

This blueprint is about being fit and healthy to achieve your goals (Blueprint 1) and to make the required amount of money (Blueprint 2) to resource what you want to do.

The reality is that you cannot effectively achieve your goals, make a lasting impact, or just do what you want to do if you are unfit, overweight, or unhealthy. Your wellbeing should be your priority especially when you are getting old.

How much do you weigh? Are you obese or overweight? What shape are you in? What types of food do you eat to keep fit and healthy? How much exercise do you do per week?

Find out your current body mass index and body fat content. Visit your doctor and take a full medical and blood test.

Write a concise blueprint of how your health and wellbeing will look in the future using a time-based target, what you intend to give in exchange and the plans for accomplishing it. Limit it to 100 words.