How will work and jobs change by 2035?

How work and jobs will change by 2035 will depend on so many factors and individual personalities and action taken.

The factors are:

  1. The country you live in – e.g., technologically advanced countries like Japan, Germany, Korea, etc, vs. developing countries.
  2. The industry you work in – e.g., the transportation industry has a lot of innovation like driver-less cars, vs. fine arts.
  3. The job or occupation you currently have – e.g., if you are a carer for the elderly, there’s not much automation when compared with a truck driver, vs. an accounts payable officer.
  4. The skills and experience you currently have – e.g., if you are a truck driver, then your job could change significantly by 2035, vs. a coach.
  5. The education level you currently have – e.g., if you have a university degree, research showed that you are better prepared for the future of work.
  6. The company you work for – e.g., the company you work for must have the capability, capacity, and resources to automate your work, vs. a small family business.

At the personal level, how you adapt and embrace these potential changes to jobs and work play a significant part in how your job and work will look like in 2035.

In fact, I have research and documented no less than 135 challenges workers will face.

We already know that the job market has significantly changed and will change in the future with so many of these challenges.

For one, automation will have a significant impact on workers.

  • Many jobs will be lost.
  • Many new jobs will be created.
  • Many jobs will be transformed.
  • Many full-time jobs will be lost.
  • More freelance, casual and part-time jobs will be created.
  • Wage growth will stagnant or decline.
  • Workers are forced to take on a second job just to pay the bills.
  • Workers are forced to freelance while in full-time employment.

Fear is okay, but complacency will kill jobs.

How we react will be important.

  • Head in the sand approach?
  • Proactively take on the opportunities? Proactively reskill?

The choice is yours.

(Some people will take the head in the sand approach. That’s okay.)

It’s a question of when not if.

The inevitable will come. Changes will come by 2025.

People do not plan to fail but they fail to plan.

How jobs will look like in 2035 is entirely within our control to some degree when we anticipate these changes and take actions to mitigate these changes now.

We have to future-proof our jobs now, to get ourselves future-ready and job-ready.

It’s important to note that technology can substitute our jobs, or it can augment our work.

With every risk, there are opportunities.

For me, I want to take action now so that technology can augment my work, rather than replace my work or job.

I need to work with technology so that it will enable me to future-proof my job and income.

I have to actively influence the social contract I have with key stakeholders including my employer, unions, etc.

I just don’t want to sit back.

In terms of re-skilling, there are lots of free courses online to equip me with new skills. This is an option for you too. I am doing some online courses to future-proof myself.

In summary, jobs will definitely change by 2035. The context we are living and working in will dictate the degree of job change we will experience. It’s not too late to start planning and taking action now to future-proof yourself so that you are future-ready and job-ready. Fear of the future is okay. complacency and doing nothing will certainly kill the job you are currently working in.