My purpose – What is my purpose

My purpose

What is my purpose self-reflection exercise

If we want to find our purpose in life, we need to set aside time and create space to ask ourselves the following tough and challenging questions.

  • What areas of your current life are working well for you? What do you find fulfilling, meaningful, enjoyable, and important?
  • What areas of your current life are not working well for you? What makes you stressed and anxious, wastes your time or drains you?
  • If you were financially secure and did not need a salary, how would you spend your time?
  • What are some childhood interests or dreams you never were able to explore fully but still find intriguing?
  • If you could pick three things that you would like to be remembered for after you die, what would they be?
  • Is there someone in your life or your past whose life and work inspires and excites you? Why?
  • What skills or talents do you have that you are passionate about using?
  • What skills or talents do you have that you are not passionate about using?
  • Consider a previous or current job – What specific activities have you done that you enjoy and find engaging?
  • Consider a previous or current job – What specific activities have you done that you dislike and never want to do again?
  • During an average week, how much of your time is spent doing things you dislike or that you feel is a waste your time?
  • What are your top five most prominent core values? (Use the exercise provided earlier.)
  • How do your life and work currently reflect those values?
  • Which of your top values are you ignoring or not giving enough attention?
  • How are you currently living outside of your integrity?
  • What lies are you currently telling yourself and others about who you are, what is important to you and what you are passionate about?
  • What is preventing you from pursuing your interest?
  • What beliefs do you have about yourself and your ability to succeed in pursuing your main purpose in life?
  • How have your limiting beliefs and fears held you back from finding or pursuing your main purpose in the past?
  • What credible evidence or facts do you have to suggest that your fears or limiting beliefs that are holding you back are true?
  • If there is evidence that your fears or limiting beliefs might come to pass, is the risk significant enough to prevent you from going after your purpose in life?
  • Can you tolerate some risk and uncertainty about creating your passion for doing something specific? If so, how much?
  • What do you prioritise over pursuing your main purpose in life? Your income? Your job? Your lifestyle? Your home? The opinion of others?
  • What is the main concern that is holding you back from committing to pursuing your primary purpose in life?
  • What specific actions can you take to reduce and manage this fear?
  • Is there anyone in your life who is preventing you from pursuing your purpose in life? Who are they and how are they holding you back?
  • How could you communicate with this person (or people) to either gain their support or get them to step out of the way?
  • Are you willing to disengage from people who are undermining your ability to pursue your purpose in life? If not, why not?
  • Do any people close to you have genuine concerns about your purpose in life or your ideas? How can you address and overcome these?
  • What hobbies or interests have you had in the last few years that intrigue you and that you might consider pursuing?
  • Are you willing to spend time pursuing these interests to learn more — by volunteering, part-time work, interning, finding a mentor, etc.?
  • If you think you know what your purpose might be, what concrete work have you done to learn more about it and to experience it? What are you willing to do to better yourself in this area?
  • Do you have enough savings to allow you to live for six months during a job transition or while you search for (or pursue) your purpose?
  • What can you do to create a cushion of savings if you do not have any?
  • What is the minimum salary that you can afford to live on?
  • Would you be willing to make cutbacks in your lifestyle to live life according to your purpose?
  • What is the worst thing that could happen if you decided to commit fully to pursuing your purpose? Could you live with this?
  • What is the likelihood of this worst thing happening, if you were to commit yourself fully 100%?
  • What would your ideal day look like if you were doing what you love?
  • What are the things that you would like to achieve or accomplish with your life before you die?
  • To date, what steps have you taken towards making these things happen?
  • Would you be willing to work in a less-than-purposeful job to pursue your passion outside of work or as a part-time job?
  • Imagine you woke up nearly every day feeling happy, fulfilled, and content about your life and work – How would that impact you physically, mentally, emotionally, in your relationships, and also in your self-confidence?
  • How has living a less-than-purposeful life affected you? Give specific examples.
  • What life achievement would make you feel proud of yourself?
  • How do you live, act, or behave in a way that isn’t you?
  • If you had the chance to start fresh all over again with your life, your relationships, and your career, what would you do differently?
  • Can you go back for a ‘re-do’ on any of these things? If you answer “no,” are you 100% sure?