What jobs cannot be replaced by artificial intelligence?

What jobs cannot be replaced by artificial intelligence?

Artificial intelligence or machine learning is unnatural intelligence demonstrated by machines that try to perceive their environment, learn and problem-solve, and apply what they have learned.

Examples of this are the understanding of human speech and autonomous self-driving cars.

Artificial intelligence often revolves around the use of algorithms, or a set of unambiguous instructions, rules of thumb, or patterns that the computer can understand, digitised and execute.

It works well where every possible hypothesis, possibility, or scenario can be humanly codified as unambiguous algorithms.

The key assumption here is that artificial intelligence really works well when we can convert into machine language step-by-step reasoning or process that humans will use when they solve problems or make logical deductions.

From a job security perspective, what is good for us is that artificial intelligence is extremely bad at human commonsense reasoning and interaction where the situation or environment constantly changes without patterns or when there are lots of random or unforeseen factors to consider.

For example, autonomous self-driving cars cannot reason about the location or intentions of pedestrians and animals in the exact way human can.

Why is this important for workers?

To avoid being replaced by artificial intelligence and to increase our job security, it is absolutely vital for us to find jobs that:

  • Require lots of human commonsense or judgment.
  • Require lots of random thinking, analysis, or decision-making.
  • Cannot be repeated or have very little repeatable or predictable steps.
  • Are very ambiguous in nature.
  • Require lots of human creativity and innovation.
  • Have no or little sequential steps to follow.
  • Have random steps that totally depend constantly changing environment.
  • Require lots of human interaction and communication.

There will be a number of jobs that will have some or all of these requirements.

A simple task like fruit picking cannot be automated by artificial intelligence. There are just too many variables from weather, fruit colour and size, and positioning of fruit to consider and codify.

Find those jobs that meet one or more criteria above and you should have a secure job.

A word of caution!

As computing power increases due to technological advances, there may come a point in the future when the level of artificial intelligence can mature significantly to impact our job security.