Show me the money!
Passive job hunting strategies will no longer work in an environment where there are more job seekers than job vacancies.
Jobs no longer come to job seekers through job advertisements.
Instead, job seekers will have to hunt down those job vacancies and demonstrate their value proposition to the prospective employer.
Active job hunting strategies will no doubt increase the likelihood of you landing up in your dream job.
Here’s the key thing to take away.
If you wrote in your resume that you are a “proactive” and “hardworking person”, then the best way to demonstrate these qualities is to do it, really. You must be able to demonstrate to the hiring manager what you said you are good at to help the company.
Show me the money!
To be successfully considered for any vacant job position, we can no longer say what we can do. We must do it what we say we could do.
We must practically demonstrate the qualities we say we have by solving their problem and constantly showing the application of our knowledge that is relevant to the company we are applying for.
Actively repackaging your skills
You are basically transforming your skills and knowledge to what people really want or are looking for at particular points in time.
Repackage what you already have into something people want and will buy from you.
Take your skill, experience or knowledge and attach it to a customer need that is currently trending, new or in season.
If you have not noticed, everything is always changing. There are always new ways to do things.
As a job seeker, you want to use this to your advantage. When something is gaining a lot of attention because it’s a ‘hot topic’ or trending news. You can hook your skills to that topic and gain attention. Look at what people want and decide if it’s something you can deliver based on your skills and experience.
Everyone likes new.
When you can repackage your skills to something new, you also become an asset because your employer doesn’t have to learn about the new field you are already working in. You can be the bridge to help people understand new concepts using your skills. This will definitely increase your value and chances of hiring success.
For example, rather than “dietician”, say that you are a “paleo diet expert”.
Create your own job!
Most job seekers are just too busy padding up their resumes to ask this really important question, “How can I give or create value for this company?”
At a personal level, rather than saying that you want to earn money, you need to reframe by asking, “How can I help more people?”
Once you have the answer to these questions, you will have a better idea on how to earn more money.
Your value proposition for other people will turn your achievements into a direct sales pitch to an employer.
Your goal is to actively prove and demonstrate the following, which will be much more than other job seekers:
- You’re worth more than the salary or wage you will receive.
- You can give or create value for an employer from day one where you can ruthlessly implement your 90-day business plan.
- You have the required skills, experiences, and/or mindsets to do the job that you are hired for; it is not just head knowledge like others!