How can young people secure a better future? (Your practical solutions)

Let’s take the MBTI assessment

Pause now and do the test here. It is a simple test with easy to read questions.

There are different versions or variations of the MBIT test that you can take. Beware that some may use different labels or terminologies. Stick to the 4-letter personality type.

If you already know your MBTI personality type, then skip this step. But it would not hurt to redo the self-assessment again to confirm your understanding as personalities or preferences may change over time due to different events or circumstances.

Take time to answer the questions as presented. Don’t over-think your responses. The first thing that comes to mind will most probably be the answer to the question. Tying to ‘game’ the results will not do you any favors.

Your MBTI results

Once you have completed answering all the questions, you will be given your 4-letter personality type. In this example, it is ‘ISFP’ (‘Adventurer’).

Armed with the knowledge of your personality type (denoted by four letters like ISFP or ESTJ), you can now understand a bit more about yourself. The results can also confirm what you already know about yourself.

Do keep an open mind with the self-assessment results. You may learn something new about yourself – be teachable.

Your MBTI results will help you gain insights into the following:

  • Strengths and weaknesses
  • Romantic relationships
  • Friendships
  • Parenthood
  • Career Paths
  • Workplace Habits.

Potential career paths linked to your personality

For our purpose, under ‘Career Paths’ (link located on the left side of your screen), you can find more information and guidance about the kind of jobs more suited to your personality type.

Remember that these are just guidance that needs to be tailored specifically to you and your circumstances. The information is to aid your decision-making process.

Suitable course or major to study

What I like about the MBTI self-assessment tool is that the results can help you choose a course or study major at a college or university.

There are websites that you could go to for more career options related to your personality type. Do explore other career options linked to different personality types.

I will use this particular one for this exercise –

For each personality type listed, under the ‘Majors’ section, you will also get a suggested list of courses grouped by type – bachelors, master, minor, and certificate.

These courses are only suggestions for your consideration. They are a valuable input into your due diligence.

Please bear in mind that the options provided only relates to this educational institution.

As no two education institutions are the same, you will need to do a bit more digging as to what works for you.

But what this website does is to give you valuable guidance on similar courses that you may consider taking.

Potential jobs linked to your personality

Go to the ‘Careers’ section of the website.

It will give you a list of suggested careers that are known to suit your personality type. These are only suggestions for your consideration.

When a job title is selected from the list, it will take you to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Occupational Outlook Handbook.

While this is a U.S. website, it does contain a wealth and depth of job-specific information that will get you started on your research for finding the specific job that you intend to pursue through college or university.

For more information, Google “Myers Briggs personality type and career choice”. There are loads of information for you to choose from.