Will automation lead to loss of jobs?

Will automation lead to loss of jobs?

Automation will lead to the loss of jobs. But automation will also create new jobs and even transform existing ones. The net job loss or gain will depend on many factors.

We constantly read about automation destroying many jobs in workplaces. Depending on which research or publication you read, the results will vary greatly.

Regardless of the information source you rely on, it is inevitable that automation will lead to some level of job losses.

The extent of loss will depend on a number of factors. The factors are:

  1. The country you live in – e.g., technologically advanced countries like Japan, Germany, Korea, etc., vs. developing countries.
  2. The industry you work in – e.g., the transportation industry has a lot of innovation like driver-less cars, vs. fine arts.
  3. The job or occupation you currently have – e.g., if you are a carer for the elderly, then there’s not much automation when compared with a truck driver.
  4. The skills and experience you currently have – e.g., if you are a truck driver, then your job could change significantly by 2035, vs. a personal coach.
  5. The education level you currently have – e.g., if you have a university degree, then you are better prepared for the future of work.
  6. The company you work for – e.g., the company you work for must have the capability, capacity, and resources to automate your work, vs. a small family business.

We know that over the last century, many jobs have been lost due to the introduction of machines and automation. But many jobs have also been created.

What’s so different today is the exponential change we are currently experiencing. It’s no longer a gradual or straight-line change. Rather the speed at which automation will be deployed in our workplaces will take people off guard because of their complacency.

How we respond now to future-proof ourselves will ultimately determine whether our jobs will be lost due to automation or whether we still have jobs after automation.

By proactively anticipating these potential changes and putting in place mitigation plans, it will put us in a more secure position to remain in employment.